4/2024 - 6/2024 3Property Investment WebsiteDeveloped a property investment platform with secure payment integration, scalable file storage, and user-friendly UIs.
4/2024 - 5/2024 0Data Gathering API for PumpxDeveloped a data gathering API for pumpx.com, including a trading bot and CLI tool for direct coin trading.
11/2023 - 0/2024 0Real-Time Data Gathering PlatformDeveloped a full-stack platform for real-time data gathering from sensors using ReactJS, NodeJS, and GraphQL.
10/2023 - 11/2023 0Lucas Bernal's WebsiteWebsite showcasing Lucas Bernal, a young talented soccer player.
5/2023 - 9/2023 2Video Document Chatbot - MyRandyDeveloped a full-stack video document chatbot application using Next.js, TypeScript, LangChain, and GPT-4.
1/2023 - 3/2023 1BestieAiDeveloped a full-stack AI image generation application using Next.js, TypeScript, and ReplicateAPI.
9/2022 - 11/2022 3Call Forwarding AppDeveloped a call forwarding app with global virtual number purchases and payment integration.
9/2022 - 11/2022 2SelfieAI.netDeveloped a full-stack AI image generator application using Next.js, Stable Diffusion, and Dreamboot.
9/2021 - 1/2022 2MyDividendTracker.comTracks the user’s dividend and stock actions, and helps create graphs for better decision-making.
3/2021 - 7/2021 2StatsForSpotify.comDeveloped a personal project using Spotify’s API to display user’s top songs, artists, and genres.
3/2021 - 7/2021 2Booxium.comDeveloped a book e-commerce platform linking readers, libraries, and publishing companies.