
Full-stack Web Developer - Kytzo. Developed a full-stack Next.js application for an AI image generator utilizing Stable Diffusion with Dreamboot. Integrated payment gateways such as Stripe and Paddle. Implemented functionality for users to upload multiple images of themselves from different angles to generate new AI-generated images. Utilized AWS S3 for storing user images and Supabase for managing user information.

Project Details

Detailed information about the project.

Project Goals
To create a user-friendly AI image generator application that allows users to upload images and receive AI-generated images, leveraging Stable Diffusion and Dreamboot technologies.
Challenges Faced
Faced challenges in integrating multiple technologies, ensuring secure and efficient payment processing, and managing large amounts of user data and images.
Solutions Implemented
Successfully integrated Stable Diffusion and Dreamboot for AI image generation, implemented secure payment gateways using Stripe and Paddle, and utilized AWS S3 and Supabase for efficient data and image storage management. Overcame challenges through detailed planning, testing, and effective use of modern technologies.
Technologies Used
Next.js, Stable Diffusion, Dreamboot, Stripe, Paddle, AWS S3, Supabase
Start Date
End Date

Project Screenshots

A visual overview of the project.