Full-stack Web Developer - Kytzo. Developed a full-stack Next.js application with TypeScript for a video document chatbot. Utilized LangChain to handle large quantities of texts (txt, pdf, word) and generate LLM models. Employed ChromaDB as a database to store embedded documents and MongoDB to store user data. Integrated GPT-4 to use the generated models and provide context to users concerning one or multiple text files. Implemented Stripe as the payment gateway. Created custom chatbots for clients, generating a new app automatically based on user specifications. Clients can access their personal chatbot, which accepts videos as input. Videos can be uploaded manually or via multiple platform integrations (Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia). A Python script retrieves the transcripts, stores them in ChromaDB, and uses LangChain and GPT-4 to create the customized chatbot with context from the user's videos. Deployed the apps on Vercel, handled production errors, and worked on maintenance.
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